Thursday, November 8, 2012

29 years & 11 Months Old??? one is that close to 30 just yet. ;) Today is Scott's 29th birthday, and it is also Logan's 11 month birthday to boot. I realize that I just posted some Logan information just the other day, but I had to share some of my favorite things right now that Logan is doing at 11 months old.

1.) He LOVES to eat shredded cheddar cheese, and almost everyday, Logan & I will share some cheese as a snack. We'll sit in the floor with the bowl of cheese, and he will lean over with his mouth open just waiting for his turn for a bite of cheese. He loves it, and I love sharing it with him! :)

2.) Just tonight, Logan began throwing his head back and laughing/squealing whenever we laugh and throw back our heads. He just kept doing it over and over again, and I kept laughing and throwing my head back because I was laughing at the fact that he was doing it. We all had a good laugh. Love my family!

3.) As I said in the previous post, Logan is walking EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING! Although this isn't always my favorite thing, it's so much fun to see how curious he is about the world around him & how clever he is about what he can figure out how to do.

4.) I love cooking with Logan. Now, obviously Logan doesn't aide too much in the cooking process, but he will sit on the kitchen counter in front of me & just watch everything that is going on. He will even imitate things that I do. When I add salt or other seasonings to a bowl, he will pick up the salt shaker and shake it over the bowl in the same way that I do. Super cute.....until he figures out how to open the salt & salt ends up everywhere. You'd think I'd learn to take the salt shaker away from him before he opens it.

5.) Logan loves to read books. He will hold up a book into the air toward me (or Scott) and make this noise that clearly means "here...take this & read it to me". Then he'll listen intently for a short period of time before he's off onto something else (unless it's a favorite book of his & he'll listen to the entire thing). Some of his favorite books right now are: "Maddy, the Alaskan Moose", "Bubbles, Bubbles", "Hands and Nose, Fingers and Toes",  "Elmo's Count to 10", "Time for Bed", "All the Ways I Love You",  "I Love You Through and Through", and "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?". HE LOVES BOOKS!!

6.) Logan also loves to sing songs. We can literally sing songs FOREVER! He loves it! If he really likes a song, he'll clap at the end of the song (with a big smile on his face) to let you know that he approves. He also will put his little fingers together when he wants to sing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider". It's really sweet.

If you'll remember from earlier on, I mentioned that today is Scott's birthday. I can't imagine where I would be in life right now without him by my side. He makes me smile everyday, and he brings such joy to my life. He really is my best friend, and he is such a wonderful Daddy. I love seeing Logan and Scott interact together. Logan loves his Daddy so much, and his face is priceless everyday when Scott gets home. He's always so happy to see him. :) I'm such a lucky lady to have these two wonderful guys in my life. I am blessed for sure beyond anything that I deserve! :)

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